Assessing Youth Who Have Sexually Abused: A Primer

By David S. Prescott, LICSW
© 2007

Available from NEARI Press
ISBN: 1-929657-27-7, 6 x 9, 98 pgs

From the Introduction:

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of high-quality assessment of youth who have sexually abused. Assessments can guide decisions that affect the development of young people, as well as family growth and community safety. Good assessments can help us to devise treatment strategies and make appropriate placement decisions. However, there is little written about this crucial topic. This primer discusses many areas where practitioners can enhance their assessment skills, including:

  • Defining the assessment, including clarifying the referral question.

  • Implications of recent research.

  • Interviewing techniques.

  • Factors to consider.

  • Report writing.

Review Comments

"Over the last ten years, adolescents with sexually aggressive behaviors have been easily misunderstood by professionals. David's approach to risk assessment goes a long way to make up for this, reflecting the latest research and his decades of experience with this population. He strikes the delicate balance between community safety and the healthy development of adolescents. By following this approach, those who work in this field can avoid many erroneous assumptions about this population."

— Cody Wood, Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections
Adjunct Professor of Sociology, Brigham Young University, Idaho

“David Prescott’s efforts to demystify assessment of youthful sexual abuse, and provide a solid foundation for so doing, are a tremendous asset to our field. This primer is a concise overview of critical information that can help a broad range of professionals in their efforts to prevent youth violence and sexual harm.”

— Joann Schladale, Resources for Resolving Violence